Starting a Full Node

For running a full node of Fieres Blockchain, execute the following shell script with root privileges. It will install and run Besu Client on your linux instance.

Testnet Shell Script

``` #!/bin/sh

sudo ufw allow 30303

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt install default-jdk

java - version


sudo apt-get install unzip


cd besu-22.7.4/bin

export PATH=$PWD:$PATH


mkdir EVMProtocol

cd EVMProtocol

echo "Copy the testnet genesis file details on nano text editor and Press control+x and then press y and hit the enter to save genesis data"

nano genesis.json

echo "Run below command in $HOME/EVMProtocol directory"

besu --data-path=data --genesis-file=../genesis.json --bootnodes= enode://a86b9e92c6e10e5d7d901688ca47c3db709b94575aebba18c173afe9be2c5c04297d23675069702a7f467fff09f6890a3ead9c5b37a542f84c11e93b84f868f3@ --p2p-port=30304 --rpc-http-enabled --rpc-http-api=ETH,NET,QBFT --host-allowlist="*" --rpc-http-cors-origins="all" --rpc-http-port=8545 --rpc-http-host=

By default RPC port is 8545. If the port is open, anyone can make RPC.

Last updated